Business After Hours at Carnegie Historical Museum

Business After Hours
Carnegie Historical Museum
Thursday, July 21st, 2022
4-7 p.m.
112 S. Court Street in Fairfield

Join us for Business After Hours on Thursday, July 21st, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Carnegie Historical Museum. Enjoy a free meal from the Pork Producers (pork sandwich, chips, cookie) and hard cider drinks from the Cider House as you tour the Carnegie Historical Museum to see what's new! The Museum has made many recent changes and updates and they would love to show you the improvements. Don't miss this great opportunity to tour Carnegie! Participate in a scavenger hunt during Business After Hours for your chance to enter a drawing for a gift basket. This Business After Hours event is sponsored by the Carnegie Museum Foundation with support from the Carnegie Museum Board of Directors.
Journey into the past as you enter the Carnegie Historical Museum. This Iowa Century Museum’s collection dates back to 1876 making it one of Iowa’s five oldest museums. The unique collection features one of the Midwest’s foremost collections of Native American pottery, Civil War artifacts, Roman Antiquities, and area memorabilia.
Please visit the Carnegie Historical Museum website for more information!
The Chamber Business After Hours is a free, monthly networking event open to Chamber Members, their guests and the general public. If you are interested in hosting a Business After Hours, please contact the Chamber at 641-472-2111 or by email at