Join us for the Annual Awards Banquet on Thursday, April 24! Doors open at 5pm!More Info Here

Bob Ferguson Wellness Blog - Tired of Your Inner Critic Hijacking Your Happiness?

posted on 1/19/24


Bob Ferguson Wellness Blog
Tired of Your Inner Critic Hijacking Your Happiness?


Tired of your inner critic hijacking your happiness?

What would you being in control of your mind do for you?

Mental Fitness Challenge: Who's Up For Getting More Mentally Fit Now?

Our own Chamber Director is a great fan of Positive Intelligence. Here's an interview about her experience and how she is using the principles and practices of Positive Intelligence to be an even more effective leader.

wellness critic

All Chamber members are invited to an introductory workshop next Tuesday, January 23 at 7:30PM on this Zoom link:

The workshop will include completing a Saboteur Assessment, and a PQ Score Assessment, which provide an evidence-based quantitative snapshot on how well your thinking supports or sabotages your success. If you want to get a jump on it and find out right now here is the link to both assessments.

Positive Intelligence Saboteur and PQ Score assessments


Get acquainted with your Saboteurs and Sage!

bfwb sage

Here's information for those interested in the Science behind Positive Intelligence. The initial factor analysis research that is used in the assessment was done over many years at Stanford.

Positive Intelligence Science

Following the workshop we'll have an onboarding meeting on Wednesday, January 24 at 7:30 PM for all who would like to join the next six-week program starting on Saturday, January 27. The program is virtual and requires a very modest time commitment.


Here′s to a healthy week.


Bob Ferguson
(913) 208−6357
Book a time to chat

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