Blood Donations Needed - ImpactLife

Blood Donations Needed
ImpactLife estimates at least 600 donations have been lost this week due to blood drive cancellations and missed appointments caused by snow, ice, and freezing temps that have swept through a large portion of the ImpactLife service region. With just a 1.5-day supply of type O-positive and O-negative red blood cells, we are very concerned about blood inventory levels, especially with more snow and frigid temperatures in the forecast.
We are asking all eligible donors who can travel safely to schedule an appointment give blood and help ensure our ability to meet patient needs for the hospitals we serve. ImpactLife continues to see blood drive cancellations in parts of our service region, so I will continue to update our news release (link below) until the situation improves.
ImpactLife eyeing losses due to winter storm;
Snow, ice, and wind lead to canceled blood drives, missed appointments
For social media graphics and other info, see
To thank donors who give blood during January's National Blood Donor Month, ImpactLife is providing all presenting donors a voucher to redeem for the donor's choice of an electronic gift card, 500 bonus points to use in the Donor Rewards Store, or an equivalent donation to the National Forest Foundation. (Learn more at
Increasing donations from volunteer donors who live in areas that haven't been severely affected by this week's snowstorm will be essential to helping us return to normal blood inventory levels. Donors may find a nearby Donor Center or mobile blood drive by calling (800) 747-5401, or schedule online at [>, or with the ImpactLife mobile app (
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