2023 Fairfield Cultural Alliance - Art & Culture Mini Grants

2023 FCA Arts/Culture Mini-Grants Applications Now Being Accepted
Every year, the Fairfield Cultural Alliance (FCA) promotes the arts and cultural activities in our community by awarding small grants (usually under $500) to individuals, and organizations with historic, artistic, or performing arts projects.
The FCA continues its work in 2023... supporting individuals and local organizations that are drawing on limited resources trying to provide creative and innovative ways to showcase their art or talent. This includes virtual performance venues, online galleries and shared funding sources designed to connect artists of all sorts to their audiences, or other types of small projects that need a small boost to happen.
Organizations with 501(c)3 status can either apply themselves, or sponsor other individuals and organizations with projects.
Grant Applications with instructions — are now available for download at
http://fairfieldculturaldistrict.org/news.htm#min for individuals and organizations working as part of our cultural community.
The FCA is happy to continue their annual tradition of their Arts & Culture Celebration Gala this year in 2023, after being suspended between 2020-2022.
The recipients of the FCA Mini-Grants will be announced and will be distributed on Tuesday, November 7, at their annual Arts & Culture Celebration & Networking Gala at ICON Gallery on the west side Downtown Square at 7 pm.
Look for further details on the Fairfield Cultural Alliance Facebook page and in local media; or contact Francesca Greco, 563-503-0643 FCA Board President, 641-715-7313; or Denyce Rusch, FCA Board Member & Advisor fairfieldculturalliance@gmail.com.