March Legislative Forum
200 North Main Street · Fairfield, IA

The Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to provide Jefferson County residents the opportunity to share their views with state lawmakers during a series of four public forums during the Iowa legislative session.
- January 18
- March 15
Time: 7:30am - 9:00am
Where: Fairfield Arts and Convention Center
Who: Open to residents of Jefferson County
Cost: Free
Monthly legislative forums are held from 7:30 am - 9:00 am on Saturday in February and April. Legislators will provide a brief update followed by a Q&A session moderated by the Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce. Coffee and donuts will be available for participants.
Thank you to our generous sponsors who make this event possible!
The Legislative Forum will also be livestreamed on Fairfield Media Center's YouTube channel.
If interested in the opportunity to ask a question during the Q&A part of the Forum, please form your question around one of the topics provided below.
Primary Topics for Q&A Session:
- Environment
- Agriculture
- Taxes
For more information regarding the format for questions for the Q&A session, please contact the Chamber at 641-472-2111 or email
The following legislators have been invited to the forum:
- Iowa Senate District 41 Representative Adrian Dickey (Republican)
- Iowa House District 88 Representative Helena Hayes (Republican)
- Iowa House District 89 Representative Jeff Shipley (Republican)
The Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce helps to plan and implement Legislative Forums and Candidate Forums. The Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce encourages legislative action that promotes business growth, local economy and strong communities. We are a non-partisan organization and do not endorse any candidate nor are we a part of the US Chamber of Commerce.