The Fairfield Art Association has Awarded a "Random Act of Creativity" to Tom Lassota, a Fairfield Artist

posted on 9/1/23


The Fairfield Art Association has Awarded a "Random Act of Creativity" to Tom Lassota, a Fairfield Artist


Tom Lassota has been working on an immersive art project in his home for the last twenty years with unyielding dedication to his craft. Using fluorescent colors, black lights and various methods to allow his creations to move in space, he offers the viewer fascinating three dimensional viewing experiences. His artwork blends vibrant colors, intricate shapes, and mechanical elements into pieces that leaves viewers in awe. His collection of recycled and repurposed dynamic sculptures continue to inspire, and so does his vision for future masterpieces.

You can see this Immersive Art Experience videoed by Werner Elmker on his website. FAA Board members agree it is amazing!

Photo by Werner Elmker:

FAA President Makenzie Champ, who is the originator of the Random Acts of Creativity Award, presents a plaque to Tom Lassota. There for the presentation is his son Christopher (far right) and friend Bill Runyan (back row with hat), and FAA Board members.

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